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Rebuilding After the Fire: A Success Story

A disaster can happen to anyone. But, as long as everyone stays safe, there will always be hope and a chance to rebuild. We wanted to share a success story from one of our clients after their home was destroyed in a fire. From this devastation, the clients received their dream home, rebuilt to meet all of their wants and needs.

Our client came to us after working with their insurance company for over a year and yet there was still no end in sight. Immediately following the fire, the insurance company hired an emergency service and response company to secure the property for safety, to avoid further damage due to weather and intrusion. 

They were anxious to get their home rebuilt and felt that the insurance company was not on their side. When they called us, the insurance companies professionals had decided that the foundation, garage, subfloors, and wall structures were structurally safe and sound. When we heard this, we felt it was important to see the site to determine if this was the correct plan for our clients and that the insurance company was really considering the long term best interest of the home and clients. When we visited the home we found the house had been left exposed to the elements for the past year. Red flag! 

Beginning to Rebuild



We got started working with the client to develop a plan that included tearing down much of the existing structure while keeping the foundation, and the garage intact. GTG Builders used its 50+ years of experience in home building to determine what was best for the long term satisfaction of the client. GTG also enlisted the assistance of professionals like architects, engineers, structural and material specialists to demonstrate to the insurance company that this was the only acceptable solution. A teardown may not have been required for safety, but it certainly was the only way to ensure our client’s home would be free of defects like off-putting smells, mold, rot, sagging, and squeaks. All of these considerations were made not only due to the fire but also the interior of the house being unprotected for such an extended time while the insurance company worked through the claim. 

The insurance company required pricing out rebuilding the original floor plan but our clients wanted to make minor adjustments, customizations, and improvements they always wished they could make. They designed the house to include a larger kitchen, a larger master bathroom, and better functioning rooms. We got to work on a budget that met the insurance company’s requirements and was able to get the client everything they wanted. 


The Results

Eventually, we completed the rebuild of the clients 2,300 sq. ft. home, meeting all the homeowner’s requirements and staying within the budget set forth by the insurance company. Our team was able to build the clients their dream home with an enlarged custom kitchen, hardwood floors, and a luxurious master bathroom.

In the event that you have encountered an overwhelming home fire or flood, just know that all hope is not lost. We want to give you a few tips on the most proficient method to choose a builder to assist you with remaking or remodeling your home. We want to get you and your family into your home once again as quickly as time permits without sacrificing your wellbeing! Check out this video we created with some great tips on rebuilding after a fire or flood. 

Custom Home Guide [Free PDF]